Software & Application Projects

TooziT is the innovator in development of applications and software that brings the revolution of using the latest technological advances such as AI, Blockchain and Cloud data together to develop new software and applications and to augment existing systems. We are proud of the new programs and applications we are bringing to market.

Investments in all of are proprietary programs and applications are available, click on the Investing tab to see which are available at this time. *All applications are Patent Pending.


911Plus Emergency Response System, a groundbreaking mobile application designed to transform emergency response and enhance public safety. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, 911Plus provides real-time video, audio, and location data, automated notifications, and seamless integration with dedicated command and control units.

Theft, Rent & Guest Chex

Theft, Rent & Guest Chex are global cloud-based databases that are used by companies to reduce their loss and damages to their companies. Each data service is detailed for the industry that it pertains to, but the data points all work together in real time providing the information the end user needs. The services are basically global blacklist data sources in simple terms. Helping companies and individuals save hundreds of millions of dollars in issues before they happen. 

Theft Chex: Theft, shoplifting, boosting, use of stolen credit cards in stores and other actions by individuals and teams allows for any member to see in real if the individual has had reported issues with other retailers and wholesalers. In real time facial recognition and AI is used in real time to search the database and notify the store and loss prevention of the situation. If a person has been trespassed from a store, property or location. Members are able to report individuals or perform searches on an individual in the system.

Rent Chex: For landlords who rent properties both residential and commercial they are able to search the database and see any issues the prospective renter may have had in the past. Search parameters go beyond the current rental application searches provided by other companies. Real information in real time to make real decisions.

Guest Chex: Hotels, Motels, Air BNB and other daily, weekly or monthly rentals are able to report to and instantly search the database at the time of booking to see if the individual has been reported to Guest Chex (or Theft Chex and Rent Chex). They easy to read report states if there have been any reports of issues, theft, vandalism, squatting or other issues with the individual.

Universal Travel Payment System - UTPS

The Universal Travel Payment System know as UTPS is built upon proprietary blockchain, operating in real time for processing of payments and refunds to travelers in all industries. To describe it is to show and example of what the issues are and how to completely corrects the issues.

A family or business traveler books a flight, hotel, and car for a vacation or business trip. There flight is cancelled, they have to wait days to get a refund for the flight, but they need to book a new flight right then. Problem, the money they need to bool the next flight won’t be refunded to them for days. A family is stranded, a business traveler cannot contact their company to book a new flight, what to do.

The UTPS instantly corrects this problem. One payment system, built on the security of a dedicated blockchain. Example. A traveler opens a free UTPS account and is issued a digital or physical card. The card can be used at any participating airline to book travel and make payment. A traveler books a flight, it is cancelled, the airline clicks a single button on their screen or handheld device and the funds are back in the travels account instantly to use for re-booking.

The airlines are losing millions of dollars due to these issues. By using the UTPS the airlines 3 times their current costs. 

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